Member-only story
Horoscopes are based on Eastern Daylight Time. Adjust before or ahead for your time zone.
Your Luck Factor:
10 — All planets auspiciously aspect your sun sign. Good luck abounds. It’s rare.
9 — Extremely lucky. Don’t miss this opportunity!
8 — Very lucky!
7 — Odds are definitely still on your side.
6 — Lucky enough to at least try.
5 — Neutral luck.
4 — A shade unlucky.
3 — Fairly unlucky but there’s still hope.
2 — Downright unlucky.
1 — Extremely unlucky. Stay in bed, hide from the world. Even rough for masochists.
0 — I’ll rarely commit to this bad luck factor. There’s always light in darkness. As bad as anything gets, the pendulum does swing again. Cycles.
If You are Born on the Cusp:
If you were born on the cusp of a sign, the cusp changes yearly, sometimes by as much as a day.
- Example: Someone born in the morning of July 22, 1952 is a Cancer, but another person born that night could be a Leo just as the Sun is going into the sign of Leo. So, if you’re a Leo but you see July 22 also listed for Cancer…